Friday, May 31, 2019

War on Drugs: Germany compared to the Netherlands Essay -- Drug Enforc

The War on DrugsOne of the key aspects to consider when evaluating domestic semipolitical actors preferences towards policies pertaining to illegal medicate use in both the Netherlands and Germany is to evaluate their ideological differences. The Netherlands attitude towards drug insurance revolves around limiting the negative impacts illegal drug use has on society by implementing laws catered towards decriminalization. On the other hand, Germany considers drugs a detriment to society and promotes legislation that proactively restricts the flow of supply and demand of illegal drugs indoors the country. Now that both countries ideological differences have been brought to light, we must also consider the origins of those ideas and how they transcended into public policy. One of the significant driving forces behind the shaping of any policy are those political actors who reside in the country. The objective of any political actor is to influence public preference by sponsoring cha nges in policy. Just alike(p) the United States, both Germany and the Netherlands have organizations inside their own country that promote policies to the public in an attempt to s instruction their opinion on an issue. The investigation of political actors in Germany and the Netherlands will allow one to obtain a greater understand of why their stance on illegal drug use is the way it is. German policies reflect a hard-line approach on drug enforcement. Non-governmental organizations such as the Jeunesse Anti Drogue promote, Stiffer penalties for individuals charged with the sale of illegal drugs within the proximity of a school (Jeuness Anti Drogue 2005). Many organizations similar to Jeunesse provide a supportive platform for parties such as the National republican Party... ..., we are able to better understand why policies differ from country to country.Works Cited1.German Youth Against Drugs. 2005. Jeuness Anti Drogue.2005. (Accessed February 3, 2012). 2.Netherlands Drugs Po licy Foundation. 2009. Stichting Drugsbeleid. (Accessed February 3, 2012). 3.Startseite Der Webseite. 2006. Des Verein Fr Drogenpolitik (Accessed February 3, 2012). 4.United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 2005. German Non-Governmental Organizations(Accessed February 3, 2012). 5.United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 2005. Netherlands Non-Governmental Organizations(Accessed February 3, 2012).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tsunami :: essays research papers

I think that every author has a purpose and reason behind there writing. Most of it was to start aware of the catastrophe, damage and affect that the tsunami and earthquake had on the nations that it hit. Also some of the information in the articles was to make aware of the efforts other nations were doing to help those affected. Other articles explained the railway line of such catastrophes. For example, one article explains how many a(prenominal) years of built up strain on 2 faults in the, what is known as the Sumatra Subduction Zone, suddenly slipped bypast each other creating an earthquake. From which the Tsunamis that hit the many nations across the Indian Ocean were originated.My reaction to the articles and its findings were first how some authors think as to what they want to communicate. While the majority of authors focused on the damage the tsunami and earthquake caused and the death tolls there were some that focused on the origin of such events and predictions of when a nonher one can find and where. Others focused on actual interviewing of people affected and storytelling like writing of the events that the person saw and thought of at the clipping it happened. The articles really have not changed my views in anyway of the topic. I was very aware of the damages an earthquake can cause and how a tremor in the ocean can damp a tsunami. I was aware that one in our coast can happen from reading many books of history of tsunamis and earthquakes. Actually before I graduated high school I wanted to study seismology and be a seismologist.I really cant compare any hold out iv had with the one in Asia. I did however experience an earthquake back in 1989. The Loma Prieta earthquake of 6.9 magnitude, that hit the bay area affected many lives including mine. I lived smack in the middle of the bay area at that time. My mom and dad both worked in Oakland and had to cross the two story cypress freeway that collapsed. That day my mom was scheduled to w ork and did not go because she decided she had too many things to take care of. Usually around the time the quake took place she would be crossing that exact freeway that collapsed. Just to know or think that my mom could have been one of the victims trapped down the stairs

charant Character Changes in Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

Character Changes in Antigone                 In Sophocles Greek tragedy, Antigone, two characters undergo character changes. During the play the audience sees these two characters attitudes change from close-minded to open-minded. It is their close-minded, stubborn attitudes, which predate to their decline in the play, and ultimately to a series of lasts. In the beginning Antigone is a close minded character who later becomes open minded. After the death of her brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, Creon becomes the ruler of Thebes. He decides that Eteocles will receive a funeral with military honors because he fought for his country. However, Polyneices, who broke his exile to spill the blood of his father and sell his own concourse into slavery, will have no burial. Antigone disagrees with Creons unjust actions and says, Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way. She vows to bury her brother so that his soul white thorn gain the peace of the underworld. Antigone is torn between the law placed against burying her brother and her own thoughts of doing what she feels should be done for her family. Her intent is simply to give her brother, Polyneices, a proper burial so that she will follow the laws of the gods. Antigone knows that she is in danger of being killed for her actions and she says, I say that this crime is holy I shall lie complicate with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me. Her own laws, or morals, drive her to break Creons law placed against Polyneices burial. Even afterward she realizes that she will have to bury Polyneices without the help of her sister, Ismene, she says Go away, Ismene I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, For your words are hateful. Leave me my foolish plan I am not afraid of the danger if it means death, It will not be the worst of deaths-death without honor. Here Ismene is trying to reason with Antigone by saying that she can not disobey the law because of the consequences. Antigone is close-minded when she immediately tells her to go away and refuses to listen to her. Later in the play, Antigone is sorrowful for her actions and the consequences yet she is not melancholyful for her crime. She says her crime is just, yet she does regret being forced to commit it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Family, Marriage, And Gender Roles :: Sociology, Family Values

Family, Marriage, and Gender RolesAt the core of American identities and American dreams lies a family.Throughout time, families serve as a connection between the individual and theoutside world. The individuals identity, his or her dreams, in large partdepend on the family of ancestor or a family of choice. The individual is shapedthrough beliefs, values, and assumptions that the family holds about the worldand that are based on family members experiences and collective memory. Thefamily itself, in turn derives its values from the social, cultural, political,and philosophic assumptions and beliefs of the larger, and more dominantculture.In todays modern society, assumptions regarding a family can be verywidespread. Ranging from the conservative viewpoint to the more liberal view.The conservative is the more tralatitious view of the two. Believing that theonly true family is the joint relationship of a husband, wife, and children is athing of the past. Recently an alarming number of unfavorable situations havearisen. These situations commit from bingle-parent families to the inexplicablesituation of two partners of the same sex. What happens to a society where thenuclear family is no longer the dominant configuration? Only time impart tell. being brought up in a traditional environment, I have very conservativeviews on the concept of a family. When I was young, my Mother did not work.She would hang-up at home with me until I was about thirteen years old. I feelthat, if possible, a mother should stay home with her children. In my eyes, themain accountability of a Mother is to furnish her children with as muchattention as possible. Without the necessary attention the child will grow upstriving for attention, and will do everything in his or her power to receive it.In the model nuclear family, the Father is the individual who is responsiblefor earning a substantial living. Providing for the family a home, food, and asense of security the Father is an impor tant factor in the up bringing of afamily. Unfortunately, many families do not have the luxury of a nuclear family.They must survive on their perseverance, along with a little bit of luck alongthe way.In our textbook, Moser and Waters accurately depict the essentials offamily values. The one essay that seems to support my own set of values isthe one entitled Reserve Marriage for Heterosexuals. I feel that a family hasnothing to gain by allowing homosexuals to adopt children and start their ownfamilies. The essay depicts that children that are raised without a Mother and

Japanimation Essay examples -- Japanese Animation Art Artistic Essays

Japanimation Japanimation (Japanese animation) is becoming one of Japans most popular exports to the world it has become a growing phenomenon in the US. anime has attracted hordes of fans in many countries the artistic detail, and the intriguing and the outrageous storylines are causing fans to be addicted. College fan clubs, societies, and the Internet have popularized anime (derived from a French word, tho is used in Japan to describe animation) to the point of conventions being held all over the world. Anime ratings range from G to NC-17. These ratings only exist when they are import into the US, as in Japan their rating system is different. The Japanese air shows on television that contains a lot of violence and nudity in it. On American television, organic violence and nudity is prohibited for children, especially if the show is animated. Some animes are cute and are made specifically for children then thither are animes that are for teenagers that have romance, love, and eve ryday situations that teenagers go through. The most gruesome kind of anime consists of bloodshed, violence, nudity, sex, and bad language. Ding said, Well first of all, when you have Saturday good morning cartoons on channel twenty and fifty, people thirst for good animation and something different. Anime is just that, Americans have never seen or even thought of extreme violence, nudity, or cussing in cartoons. Since the Japanese dont think that nudity in cartoons is lewd, no one in Japan cares if they see someone naked popping up on the screen (G. Ding, personal communication, November 2, 2000). Borshansky stated, American cartoon culture finally got tired of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. They wanted some depth to cartoons, compelling... ...ory of Anime. (1996). Retrieve April 20, 2003 from the knowledge domain Wide Web. http// OConnell, M. Japanese Manga and Animation A Brief History of Animation. (2000). Retrieve April 20, 2003 from the World Wide Web. http// Simmons, M. (2000, November). Pokemon The first movie. Animerica, 7, 7-11. The Right Stuf International Inc. The mature stuf - An introduction to anime. (1996). Retrieved April 20, 2003 from the World Wide Web. http// History of Japanese anime. The origins of anime. (No date). Retrieved November 2, 2000 from the World Wide Web. http// Pokemon Information. March 18, 2004 from the World Wide Web. http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Essay --

Title character listDr. Henry Jekyll- Is a well reputed and respected doctor. He is a wealthy man that was also born into a fortune. He had a good life growing up and is a kind man that has neer d oneness anything bad in his entire life until the creation of Hyde. He is well set and known in the community. Has a blackened side thats burning to be set free. As a result he creates a potion that separates one body into two people and personalities. Used to unleash his dark side which ultimately takes over in the end. He is friends with Lanyon a doctor, as well as Utterson a lawyer. Mr. Edward Hyde- Was not born, but created. Was the result of a potion Dr. Jekyll created that gives ones self a second personality where the body strips away your civilized nature , brings you down to... (only first 800 chars shown) Analysis complete. Our feedback is listed below in printable form. Some of the items carry been truncated or removed to provide better print compatibility. Title CheckerRev iew TitleLooks like we may have found a problem with your papers titleThe first word of the title should be capitalized.The last word of the title should be capitalized. spell outSpelling SuggestionsSpelling side thats suggestions that, thats, that s, tats, teats GrammarGrammar SuggestionsRevise... wealthy man that suggestions man whoRevise... kind man that suggestions man who missing apostrophe side thats suggestions thatsMissing Article loose all of Jekylls suggestions all of the JekyllsMissing apostrophe that wouldnt suggestions wouldntDid you mean... that its the suggestions its the Word ChoiceBad Phrase ScoreBad Phrase Score* 2.244 (lower is better)*based on the number and qualit... ...eater usage of vocabulary words. Although your vocabulary tick is within the average range for most writers, boosting it above 60 will help your paper stand out. Consider using the Vocab builder. Tips Whether you are writing for a school assignment or professionally, it is imperative that you have a vocabulary that will provide for clear communication of your ideas and thoughts. You need to know the image and aim of your audience and adjust your vocabulary accordingly. It is worthwhile to constantly work at improving your knowledge of words. To help with this task, please consider using our Vocabulary Builder to improve your comprehension and usage of words. GradeIncompatible Paper TypeThe Auto-Grading feature is only compatible with certain types of submissions (e.g., Essays, Research Papers, etc.), yet the paper type listed for this submission is Other

Monday, May 27, 2019

Administrative Theories of Management Essay

Henri Fayol a French industrialist has wrote a book title Administration Industrialle et Generalle in 1916 , according to his book theories about watchfulness he thought could be applied to the management of any organization with administrative responsibilities. Fayol identified five function which is still used today to all management activities , they were planning , organizing , commanding , coordinating and controlling . Fayol gives 14 principle of management 1.Division of work According to Fayol , specialization increases output by making employees more efficient. more or less of the employee may be commensurate to deal with each item work that given to them if work is divided according to their skill and technical expertise . suffer more My Writing Process Essay2.Authority Fayol defined authority as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. That means , managers mustiness be able to give order to the employees . Along with it , the responsibility will goes on.3.Discipline Discipline is an essential for the smooth running of business which is without it an enterprise or organization is unable to prosper. An employees must obey and respect the rules that are state by the organization .4.Unity of Command An employee should receive orders from one superior barely . Fayol regarded having dual command is leading to doubtfulness and hesitation on the part of subordinates and will make conflict between managers.5.Unity of direction One head and one plan for a group having the equal objective. that mean the organization should have a single plan of action to guide managers and workers .6.Subordination of individual interest to the general interest There should be no conflict of interest between individual ambition and the well-being of the organization as a whole. This principle requires a firm that fair communicate from superiors who should set a strong example.7.Remuneration Workers must be paid a fair wage for their services . Fayol looked for some basic principles in the method of defrayal such is it shall assure fair remuneration , encourage keenness by rewarding well-directed effort and not lead to over-payment going beyond reasonable limits.8.Centralization Fayol considered that an portion of centralization must always be present which is each subordinate are involved in decision making.9.Scalar Chain It is also known as line of authority . The champion of command can lead to excessively chains of authority which hinder communication. Hierarchic organizations regularly insisted that departments communicated with each other only through their heads.10.Order For Fayol, people and materials should be in the right place at the right time . This presupposed the resolution of the two most difficult managerial activities good organization and good selection. He saw the basic problem as the balancing of an organizations requirements with its resources.11.Equity Managers should be kind and fair to their subordina te and set them equally in order to obtain commitment from them .12.Stability of tenure of personnel A management should provide orderly personnel planning and ensure that replacements are available to fill vacancies because employees need a period of stability in a job to deliver of their best.13.Initiative Fayol cautions managers against the personal vanity which prevents their employees from allowing to think through a problem and implement a solution rewarding experience which increases motivation and high levels of effort. This meant , employees are allowed to originate and carry out their plans for the organization.14.Esprit de corps. Dividing enemy forces to weaken them is clever, but dividing ones own team is a grave sin against the business. It is saying about promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Department Stores

A discussion section store is a retail mental home preferring wide range of commodities, usu exclusivelyy including ready-to-wear apparel, fashion dandys, beauty necessities, yard and household goods and further on. Numerous segment in which it is divided such as merchandising, advertising, marketing, services, ac playing and financial department usually handle it. The first department store in the retailing history was Bennetts in Derby, it opened in 1734 and it remains in the same building since its opening. The origin of department stores is related to the industrial revolution in the 19th century and the growth of a consumer society.A wealthy class was growing, dragging with a constantly changing fashion, which created an enabling environment for the expansion of stores in that area. Today, department stores are mainly part of a retailing chain, usually a main department store is located in strategic area of a big city and the some others are all around the city, country or sometimes the world. But we layabout still find independent retailers. Vision without action is a day dream. Action without mickle is a nightmare. Japanese proverb. This applies to marketing. Indeed, establishing a procedure in marketing without planning it in advance give lead to ruin.Before initiation, a plan should be rise disposed(p) from its begging to its end leaving to chance any step. For a successful marketing plan the contractors have to initially think somewhat the aim. All factors must be taken into consideration before starting the procedure. JC Penneys case is a relevant deterrent example. When the American department store launched its in the altogether pricing system consisting in the suppression of discounts, heavy promotions, coupons and replacing it by every day low price. The chief executive underestimated the importance granted by costumers to sale and special discounts, which made its plan a big failure.In the fashion industry, when a federation as k to launch a new product or line they develop a marketing plan. These plans explain the strategy that entrust be followed and the details of the procedure in lodge to legitimize the costs, which will be implied on the company. We can count the main type of marketing plans the strategic one, where the decision is up to the senior management and the plan is designed to achieve a long-range goal (at least five years), for example a ?10 billion investment plan for Japans premier department store, Isetan Shinjuku, ground in Tokyo.The outlet has been completely redesigned and transformed into a fashion museum presenting a combination of art, music and films while maintaining its primary function as a department store. The second type is the functional planning, which is a short-term plan up and is up to the middle mangers in key business areas only supervised by front line mangers.This is the kind of marketing planning is used during the Christmas period with the window displays in the biggest department stores, such as Galleries Lafayette in Paris or Selfridges in London, they team up with fashion houses and designers for displays with recurring themes including architecture, fairy-tales and scale play. We can also count the operational planning, a short-term action plan positive by supervisors or front-line mangers to accomplish a specific goal, for example the case Macys plan to open on thanksgiving, while all of its competitors are unappealing on that day.The goal here is to be the only department store open, generate a tremendous profit in one day. Finally, there is the hazard plan, aiming to get a back up plan ready to cope an anticipated situation if it ever occurs. All of these plans need to be efficiently prepared step by step. According to Phillip Kotler, there are six essential steps for a successful planning. The first one is the situational analysis, where the company examines the Macro forces to spotlight its strength and weaknesses. Although these factors can play in the favour of the company, sometimes they can also be barriers in the smooth running of a project.Then comes objectives setting, in order to set its objectives a company have to take into consideration its stakeholders, company reputation, technology and other matters of concern. Then, once the goals are set a timet fit has to be held to overturn any mishaps. Then the strategy, by choosing which strategy will be pursued to complete the task successfully. The company then sets its mode of action and the path that will be followed during the project. After that comes the tactics, this step is meant to plan what is called in marketing the 4Ps (product, price, place, promotion) but also to schedule the strategy into a calendar.And finally the controls, which lasts throughout the project, since it aims to ensure the impressive conduct of each part of the marketing plan and if not then find a solution to remedy the situation. All of these plans differ from one company to another harmonise to its positioning goal. The positioning of a company is what distinguishes it from its competitors, so the ideas in costumers mind when they think about that company. As we can see in the perceptual positioning map above, the customers may see department stores that sell the same product as varied.Thereby, the Italian department store, Rinascente, is considered as one of the close to fashionable department stores across the world. However, the German department store Kadewe which is ranked equally fashionable is perceived as to a greater extent luxurious while Debenhams patronage the fact that the fashion perception it granted is as high as the two previous stores its luxury perception is light than both of them. Nowadays, these marketing plans hold immense use of technology to improve and facilitate their performance. Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven.I dont think anybody can talk meaningfully about one with out talking about the other. Bill Gates. Reaching that goal is made possible by the numerous advantages of technology. One of them is kindly media. Based on telecommunication and social interaction, it is the best mood to disclose schooling and to advertise, but in the same time get live fall in back about it. Indeed, markets behaviour is changing, how they are bedn for talking but not listening and now a new strategy is being implemented known as buzz monitoring. This consists of tracking relevant conversations through the Internet that will allow thecompany to get an idea about its level of popularity amongst people, but also what comes to their mind when they think about it. However, a scientifically developed panel is still more effective than social media listening to gather data but then social media is more relevant because costumers are discussing with each other. Indeed, they dont al carriages trust what the company says to them since it is a part of their strategy to only reveal the best about it self, but costumers will talk about their experience and what they honestly think about it as they dont have any interest in hiding the truth.The beauty department store Sephora belongs to those who knew how to make profit from social networks. Indeed, it manifests its presence in all of the near popular social medias such as Facebook, micro blogging as Twitter, photo-sharing websites as Pintrest, smartphone photo-sharing application as Instagram, video-sharing websites as YouTube and further more. It takes advantage by finding the purposes other than advertising and buzz monitoring.The department store figured out that customers want beauty advices and tutorials both in store and online, so it started sharing experts knowledge and guidance, which will then boost sales. It also supports loyalty programmes via social medias, offering exclusivities to followers which was obviously a successful marketing plan to gain followers since they count more t han 5 million fans on Facebook and more than 1. 8 million followers on Google+. But technology is not used by department stores only for advertising and maintaining a relationship with customers it is also used for selling purposes.E-shopping makes life easier by a greater availability of products, constant sales and discounts and supranational shipping. However, the relevance of department stores websites for shopping is still questionable. Indeed, when a retailer selects a brand to work with, it cant also select the products that will be displayed under that partnership and the brand wont display all of its collections in the department store. Since then, when it comes to online shopping the brands own website is more lovable as there are considerably more options.In the pictures below we can see the example of Adidas and Galleries Lafayette the French department store- website. trance the retailer only sells iv bags for both men and women, in the brand website customers can shop up to 218 bags and thats only for women. The maintenance of this relationship between the business and the customer is establish on the principal of communication. Communication is the process of transferring information between senders and receivers, using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media.The art of communication is the nomenclature of leadership. James Humes Whatever the idea one person has, even if it is the greatest ever, it wont be useful for the company if the person doesnt know how to communicate it, how to explain it and make other people understand what it means. Whether addressing to a superior or an employee if there is a misunderstanding the project will be doomed to failure. Also, for some positions in the workplace one needs to deal with costumers who dont have the same level of expertise, in such situations good communication acquisitions will be useful to explain intricate things in a simple way.Likewise, the higher the hierarchical posi tion, the lower are the technical skill requirements and the greater are the good communication skill needs. This is explained by the fact that important positions implies dealing with more important people, who are more punctilious when it comes to the way you talk or behave near them. Tough, to be an effective communicator it is necessary to master the antithetical stages of the communication process To manage this process successfully a behavioural equilibrium has to be found.There are three main types of behaviours Passive Behaviour involves saying nothing in a response, keeping feelings to yourself, hiding feelings from others, and perhaps even hiding your feelings from yourself. Aggressive Behaviour involves expressing your feelings indirectly through insults, sarcasm, labels, put-downs, and hostile statements and actions. And the third type is Assertive behaviour, which is a balance between both of the preliminary behaviours. It involves describing your feelings, thoughts, opinions, and preferences directly to another person in an honest and appropriate way that respects both you and the other person.It is the latter, that is most recommended to adapt in the workplace. Then, the sender needs to decide which communication tool is the most suitable one to the audience and the situation. When it comes to business-to-business communication e-mails are faster, efficient and direct. They say enough without saying too much. While Faxes mark certain indifference since they are limited to the strict minimum. Usually, they should be accompanied with a phone call to give further information or at least show interest from the senders part to the receiver.Phone calls can also be used for other purposes it is a good way to show concern but also to show respect. This leads us to the audience-centred approach which consists in getting to know the audience we are dealing with which is known as the you attitude. This ability to relate to the need of the others is one of the keys of success of manager leaders. It works both in the Business-to-Business communication and Business-to-Customer communication. In the example below, we can see the example of an advertising campaign of the French department store Galleries Lafayette.The model on the signboard is dressed like the perfect Parisian, with the beret, the white top and blue partner off of jeans and in addition to amplify the French spirit, on the foreground of the scenery an accordion is shown. All of this staging is meant to flatter Parisian, which are sublime of their identity and make them feel that the department store is made for them. Communication skills may also be useful when it comes to marketing communication. Marketing communication is be as the media tool used to reach a market it refers to the promotion part of the marketing mix and the four Ps (Price, place, product and promotion).It also refers to the different strategies used while making the promotion of a certain produ ct. The marketing process is divided in five steps Here, marketing communication starts in the second stage and goes until the fourth one and its primary purpose is to create value for customers and build customer relationship because without customers a company has no causal agent to exist. To achieve that goal numerous tools can be used. Advertising is one of them, provides a direct line of communication to your existing and prospective customers about your product or service.As here for example, with Harvey Nichols advertising campaign called THE NEW BREED which plays on the luxury stereotype of the handbag dog replacing the traditional Chihuahua by a bull terrier to promote its new involvement into an accessible fashion The new breed . Public relation is also a tool of marketing communication. construction and keeping good relationships with media is important for the brand/stores image and reputation. But the art of good public relation also involves being able to manage succ essfully and adverse publicity.Another tool is sales promotions, commonly used to increase sales in short term, it attracts new customers interested in lower price, which can later become loyal customers depending on their experience in the department store. For example, the British department store Selfridges runs every year Christmas comes early , which consists in Christmas sales earlier than its competitors so it can attract its concurrent customers since they can do their Christmas shopping earlier without paying the high price.To make their promotion, companies use more and more direct mail, which consist in an e-mail address of the receiver by its name and selling him products destined for its target group depending on information the company collected about him in its database. The Internet marketing as seen previously also used very much by retailers to sell and promote their products. Sponsorship is a form of indirect marketing that consists of paying an organisation, w hich will use your brand logo and this way generate publicity.Below are Macys areas of sponsorships in 2011 according to IEG Research. Competition in the retailing world has very quickly grown during the last century. Today, to face the concurrence retailers resort to strategies aiming to bring them to the top. To reach that aim different tools are used and mainly communication that builds relationship between department store, stockholders, partners, employees and customers.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Pocahontas – Cultural Anthropology

Writing Assignment 1 The Cultural Construction of the Idea of Progress Film chosen Pocahontas One of Walt Disneys roughly famous films, Pocahontas, takes regularise in the 1600s, as the British discover parts of the New World that are inhabited by native Americans. In this film, we are able to short letter the uncivil lifestyle and culture of the Native Americans to that of the British, and are able to inspect how the humors of progress or social evolution play a role in the ethnocentric bias held by the Westerners during this time, causing the primitive stereotypes to be built.Disney uses the structure of the characters themselves- what they wear, how they speak, what they eat, what they believe in, etc. and the plot line of the film, to depict the cultural construction of the idea of progress, and evoke the opposing ideas of the primitive other and civilized self. This film opens showing us the life of the British as they board the enthrall and while theyre sailing at sea. Disney starts off with the British because we as westerners plug in to the British, and see their way of life as normal and civilized.We immediately relate to the color of their skin, their westernized clo topic, the way they speak, and the technology they have access too. While on the boat, John Smith (the male protagonist) refers to the Native American Indians as savages who should be killed if they digest in the way. This gives us a sneak peak into the mindset of the British and how negatively they view the Native Americans. Leaving us with the belief that the Indians are savages, Disney wherefore introduces Pocahontas (the female protagonist) and the Indian tribe that has been living in the New World.Immediately we are exposed to the primitive lifestyle of the Indians. We see that their way of traveling is by woody canoes, their clothing consist of a brown cloth that covers very little while they also do not have on shoes, they live in tents, and have nothing but nature at it s purest form surrounding them. We see the women out in the fields gathering corn by hand, while the men are coming home from battle, with only bows and arrows and spears for weapons.The initial reaction to seeing the culture and way of life amongst the Indians is to see them as rude and savage, just as John Smith was saying on the boat. However throughout the film Disney begins to challenge this belief and shows us that the westerners way of life may not be the best way of life for everyone. Up until this point, John Smith and the rest of the English men had been discovering tender places and finding Native Americans that had been living for many years on these foreign lands.The Europeans always saw these natives as uncivilized, barbaric savages, who needed to be taken over and westernized. John Smith makes a comment to Pocahontas around how they could make the Indians life better, and build them roads and tall buildings, and teach them how to make the most of their land. This i s a perfect example of the ethnocentric bias mentality of the Europeans. They never once considered that someone elses way of living and culture could genuinely be a successful.They thought that their way was the best way, and anything else was just an underdeveloped, barbaric lifestyle that needed to progress into the westernized lifestyle. After John Smith makes this comment about bettering the Indians life styles Pocahontas is deeply offended and proceeds to sing the popular song, The Colors of the Wind. In this song Pocahontas calls John Smith out on his ethnocentric stance and shows him her point of view, in singing You think you own whatever land you land on, The earth is just a dead thing you can claim, But I know every rock and tree and creature, Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.You think the only people who are people, atomic number 18 the people who look and think like you, But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, Youll learn things you never knew you never knew. For the first time John Smith begins to bear in mind to Pocahontas and realizes how ignorant him and his crew have been to think they can claim any land they come across, treating the natives like wild beasts.All this time the Europeans have looked down upon the primitive culture of the natives, thinking that they were sub-human, and needed to be nurtured and tamed just like animals however in this moment John Smith sees the gratuitous spirit in Pocahontas, and he admires her connection to the nature all around her. He begins to see that the Natives are just normal human beings in their native element, a thriving off of the world around them, with no need of technology, or any of the advancements the westerners were landing to the New World.Overall, Disneys film, Pocahontas, does a wonderful line of descent contrasting the cultures of the primitive other and civilized self with Pocahontas and the Indians as the primitive other and John Smith and the Europeans as the civilized self. We are able to see through the Europeans, their ethnocentrism, and their naive attitudes that leads them to believe they own whatever land they land on and can treat the natives however they want. Disney however plays out this film in a way to show us his view on this ethnocentric bias and how he believes it to be wrong and unlawful.He makes the viewer side with the Indians and portrays the Indians as the proper guys and the Europeans as the bad guys. Disney was trying to send a message that this whiteness way of thinking is not always correct and can sometimes bring harm to others even when its not intentional. Works Cited Pocahontas. Walt Disney Feature Animation, 1995. Film. Seriff, Suzanne. Cultural Anthropology ANT 302. University of Texas. Spring 2013.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

English as the official language of the U.S. Essay

The incline row has already been established as the ex officio speech in 28 States this would beg the question, what made these States pass such an Act, especi in ally since the Courts already designated such a law as being unconstitutional and infringing upon the beginning(a) Amendment speech rights (Feder, 12). This question volition be addressed throughout the paper, which will first consider the legal minutes that have occurred thus far for this prescribed incline movement.The finding of this paper is self-evident in that the objections to this movement have been rendered invalid, largely due to a lack of irrefutable arguments as the paper will demonstrate. The numerous advantages that will be highlighted will argue for, and show, the benefit to the nation to both the majority as hearty as the minorities of making slope the authorised diction of the U. S. U. S. Legislature As of the publishing of the CRS Report in 2007, 28 states in the United States have declared English as the authoritative language in their state constitutions.On the flip side, the U. S. Constitution has enacted several laws such as the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Equal Educational Opportunities Act in an endeavour to protect the language rights of the countrys minorities. These Acts authorize, amongst others, the use of voting materials in states and political subdivisions, with instructions in two languages at the same time, as well the use of languages other than English, when deemed essential, to provide magnetic coreive and efficient public and private services.The U. S. Congress embark ond its effort towards the appointed English movement in 1984 with The English wording Amendment that was proposed for the Constitution, and it culminated when The Language in Government Act passed the House in 1996, but failed to do so in the Senate. Amendments to The Language in Government Act were later on introduced, with the Inhofe Amendment passing in the 109th Congress which affirmed English as the national language, and later as the unifying language of the U. S. at the same time, ensuring the rights of minorities (Feder, 4). outcome to Amendments that were later introduced, the passage of such Legislature would now largely be a symbolic one with negligible or zero actual effect on the inhabitants of the country, with regards to the legal aspects. This is largely because an affirmation by the Congress of the central place of English in our national life and culture would not, of its own force, need or prohibit any particular action or policy by the government or private persons.Nor would it, without more, imply the repeal or qualifying of existing federal or state laws and regulations sanctioning the use of non-English for various purposes, as stated in Feder, 4-5. Benefits The basic principle upon which the proponents of this movement rest their motive for making English the official language of the United States is that it serves to create a bond of unity. While this bond can be used in arrange to address any issues through more effective communication between the relevant parties, it also does not rob anyone of their heritage.As stated by Adams, 111, every(prenominal) languages and cultures are precious in our history and are to be preserved and maintained. These are not, however, public responsibilities. Parsimonious equity is another, much touted reason for the movement. Where equity states that all judicial hearings should allow a defendant the right to be heard in the language (s)he is most conversant and comfortable with so as to licence the population to be served by the government.Parsimonious equity, on the other hand, maintains that in order to ensure that the government is not bogged down under administrative be of ensuring an interpreter for each individual need, an official language must be recognized that will ensure that all legal and government related proceedings be dealt wit h in English. such(prenominal) a system remains equitable, as well as, limits the costs associated with such activities (Fishman, 59). With regards to the language-rights argument it must be noted that mend protecting the rights of minorities in of itself is a sufficiently altruistic and, in the case of the U.S. , required task of the government, it must be ensured that the majority not be discriminated against either. Such a paradox would result in the formation of ingrained political parties that would effectively shut out the minorities, due to their large, and united, numbers. In light of this argument, the proponents stress that by officiating the role of the English speaking majority in the United States the government will preclude the establishment of such highly biased and extreme parties, and maintain the unity and equity of the nation.Therefore, while it may be historically justified for minorities to seek redress for past acts of subjugation, as usually happens with mi norities, and oppose the majority, it would be more I keeping with the interest of the linguistic minorities to seek a balance, as stated by Joseph, 62. To an extent it seems understandable that the minorities might feel as if they are being presented with a raw deal, but when the minorities themselves start supporting the cause for making English the official language this argument against the movement is rendered void, and is in fact turned into another reason for supporting the movement.Such a case was witnessed in Alabama, where the black-majority counties voted for the movement by a significant margin (Tatalovich, 244). skill from Canada Looking at the northern neighbor of the United States, proponents of the movement have found several examples that corroborate their stand of maintaining a single official language for the country. The numerous political conflicts that Canada has faced over its bilingual official languages status have merely served to show how not to operate i n ones own country, in addition to clearly distinguishing the effect of considering the language issue as irrelevant and trivial.As stated by Ricento, 37, the disconcerting strength garner by separatism in Canada contains a lesson for the United States and its approach to bilingual education. In trying to placate a larger amount of people by using its dual official language system, Canada has except shown to its more powerful neighbor how it is sometimes in the interest of the minorities to ignore their protests and support the decision of the majority.By catering to the Quebec speaking individuals in their country Canada has given them the right to lose out on greater economic benefits as shown by the research conducted by Li, 135-136 the effect of the use of an official language is signified by the $911 male earnings above the mean even after controlling for other variables, and similarly, in the U. S. (Zavodny, 449). Conclusion The English language is the language of the major ity as far as the U. S is have-to doe withed. There has been a movement towards making it the official language of the country in addition to it being so in over half the States already.However, this movement has subsequently led to the minorities crying foul over the comprehend loss of their rights and the perceived inequitable behavior that they expect. The proponents of this movement, on the other hand, cite the greater cause of national unity, as well as that of parsimonious equity to vie with the concern of future lost income of minorities. It is the duty of the Government to now realize the potential benefits that will result in letting Acts based on making English the official Language through Congress.Especially since the greatest objection of minority language rights and perceived subjugation by the majority has been proven to be crazy in light of the Alabama vote. The remaining minorities should seek to overcome their emotional attachment to their original heritage, and understand that this movement will not necessarily expose their roots instead, it will result in greater opportunities for them through a more equitable treatment at court and business.Beyond these realizations, the government should initiate a budget towards facilitating the teaching of English to immigrants who cannot afford to learn it through their own devices. This is in light of the view that current instructions for the English language, in the United States, are inadequate to prepare them for their future life in the country (Citrin, 108). With Canada serving as an example of the effects of having more than one official language, the United States can ensure that it does not fall into the same trap by creating the equivalent Spanish-speaking enclaves in their country.Economically, politically, and culturally, having only English as the official language will help deal with a lot of problems along these facets of life that will prove to, over time, strengthen the role of eq uality in the society a value that is immensely appreciated in the current era, especially in these neck of the woods. Eventually this movement will succeed, because it not only enjoys widespread support from the majority and a few minorities of the U. S., but it has also managed to secure enough political support behind it to make it a come upon bill one that is presented to the Congress in almost every sitting since the mid-1890s.Works CitedAdams, K. L. & Brink, D. T. Perspectives on Official English The Campaign for English as the Official Language of the USA. Walter de Gruyter. Fishman, J. A. The Rise and Fall of the Ethnic Revival Perspectives on Language and Ethnicity. Walter de Gruyter. (1985). Joseph, J. E. Language and Politics. Edinburgh University Press. (2006). Ricento, T. & Burnaby, B.Language and Politics in the United States and Canada. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (1998). Tatalovich, R. Nativism Reborn? The Official English Language Movement and the American State s. University Press of Kentucky. (1995). Citrin, J. Language politics and American identity. Public Interest. (1990) p96-109. Feder, J. English as the Official Language of the United States Legal ground and Analysis of Legislation in the 110th Congress. CRS Report for Congress. (January 25, 2007) pp18. Li, P. S. The Economics of Minority Language Identity. Canadian Ethnic Studies. (2001)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Explain How the Solow Growth Model Would Analyse the Effects of a Fall in the Household Saving Ratio

In this essay, I will focus on two important aspects. The first is to give a brief historical outline of the Solow growth specimen. The second thread runs express how the outline on the Solow growth model might explain the effect of a add up in the dwelling savings ratio. My essay will be guided by the diagram provided on which I have to make specific references and to think through as well as explain the various steps of the Solow growth model and what this would mean for economic growth.Without dismissing earlier attempts, the foundations upon which modern economic growth theory rests on the foundations put by US economist Robert Solow (1924-) in the 1950s and 1960s. The Solow growth model is very neoclassic in that it focuses primarily on the supply side. The Solow model seems to implicitly assume that, as long as the supply of goods increases, economic growth asshole be attained. In this way it is apparently different from Keynesian models of which focus is on the demand sid e of the economy such as inflation and unemployment.One of the major central reason by Solow to accompany up with the Solow model came from the desire to know what happens in the long run to an economy in which capital of the fall in States accumulation is taking place. In pursuit of an answer to this headspring Solow came up with a degree of mathematical and analytical work. Solow abide byd a model of an economy in which ane has a single good that can be consumed or invested, and he says the total output in the economy Y to the total labour supply L and the convey of physical capital K. When Solow talked of physical capital he meant things want machinery, buildings, equipment, things used by labour to make products.The aggregate measurement of output is symbolised by (Y), labour (L) and capital (K). This representation that Y,L and K are vari fits describing the whole economy. The Solow growth model tells us that in the long destination, the development of a closed econom y will remain at a steady suppose, where there is no more growth. In figure 2, the economy has settled down in point E. Here, the fraction of an average worker output that is universe holdd, equals the average required investment to account for the depreciation and decay.This being achieved with k1 amount of capital per worker, the economy produces an output of y1 per worker, the economy produces an output of y1 per worker. A sudden fall in the household saving ratio to s* s leads to negative net investments F minus E workers except save a fraction s* of still the same y1, and therefore there is non enough being saved in the economy to be able to finance the decay of the capital stock at k1. As the level k1 cannot be retained by the average worker which is (negative net investments), the output per worker y has to start to return.In a dynamic process, the economy will move along the curve y=f(k), that means the amount of output per worker y will decrease, until it settles a t a new steady state, where the net invstements equal zero. This being achieved at point E*, the resulting capital intensity is k*, with which an output of y* can be produced with y* being smaller than y1. In other words, a fall in the household ratio leads to a decrease of the amount of capital stock, a closed economy is able to to retain in the long term.The decay in the existing capital stock cannot anymore be completely replaced by investments, as there is not enough m oney being saved in the economy due to the fall in the household saving ratio. These resulting negative net investments will force the economy to decrease its output to the level y*. Only here, the amount being saved in the economy can a turn a profit replace the complete decaying capital stock, which means the economy settles at a new long term equilibrium, a new steady state. The fall in the household saving ratio has therefore reduced the productivity of the average worker in the economy. intermit B How remote do models of corporation and bargaining alter our fellow feeling of the potential for corporation between states. In this essay, I will focus myself on two models of cooperation and bargaining. The first model is called realism and its thrust is to say that the international policy-making systems as a whole is anarchic in so far as there is no world g everywherenment scarcely what exists are multiple competing sovereigns. In terms of cooperation and bargaining between states realism poses real challenges to interdependency and specialisation.The second model is called liberalism and like realism it begins by acknowledging that the system is of course anarchic but it goes a bit further to argue that the fires that states seek to pursue in conditions of anarchy are shaped very more than by the nature of the society, domestic, and transnational over which they seek to rule and particularly liberals stress the subprogram of dominant fountainful groups within society in shaping the nature of the national interests and this is clearly illustrated in a story about the development of Indias national interest in chapter 6.The fundamental difference between the two models is that liberalism says it is not just anarchy plus the distribution of power, its anarchy, and the distribution of power plus interdependence. The prospects for cooperation between states under conditions of both anarchy and interdependence bring to fore three aspects of the game.The first, the game is positive-sum when states are concerned purely with their absolute gains but the chance for bargaining and cooperation to mutual advantage are real and if the positive-sum is changed negatively it results in zero-sum games in which neither will be prepared to move from the genuine position hence blocking cooperation.The third is when states care about both their absolute gains and their relative positions giving us an indeterminate outcome and it very much depends on how the nations weigh the o ne against the other. In answering the question topic therefore, I am diving into a web of complexity. The realistsphilosophical thrust claims that in an anarchic system, what indeed differentiates states are rather their capabilities as compared to their functions.In short it is the power of states, not their common purposes (survival), that differentiates one international political system from another(prenominal) (Bromley, 2004 p113) In the Realist mode therefore, the state will seek to avoid as necessary as possible forms of interdependence that create vulnerability in proportion to issues of surety, so they will avoid all forms of subordination with relation to other states in terms of power, since the superior power of some may also threaten the security of the weak.An example in our world today could be United States with the killing of Osama Bin Laden, where the US Navy SEALS are accused of transgression and breach into Pakistan without sovereign rights. In just some fe w words one could say that the international political systems between and among states according to realists comprise an anarchy of similar, competing political authorities in which each strives to maintain or improve its relative power base.Mexico epitomises this concept in the 1910 revolution and the subsequent creation of the PRI in 1929 which fostered a strong nationalistic ideology geared toward maintaining the independence of the country from foreign economic and political influences. Having outlined in short the essence of realist philosophy, there is film therefore, to ask what implications does this realist thinking have on cooperation and bargaining between states?The realist thinking has very essential implications in the fact that cooperation between states have to be earnestly limited even with big organisations like WTO because what should be avoided at all costs are dependencies. Even if there are benefits that accrue from cooperation with another state, you only cannot depend on another country since this can create vulnerabilities lets say in cases of diplomatic fallout or cases of war.Another recent example is the dangerous diplomatic fallout between United Kingdom and Malawi with consequences on bilateral relations and especially the impact it will have on a generally dependent country Malawi. That limits considerably the scope for cooperation.According to Huysmans the other element that restrict cooperation between states, or even regional blocks in this case, sometimes like the European Union, they are not calculating primarily their benefits from cooperation in terms of what they would gain in comparison to their major competitors, because what matters is not how much richer I proceed as a state, what matters is how much richer I become as a state compared to you, because then Im more powerful, can translate to host power, economic power and so on (Huysmans, Audio CD, 2010) In short state actors have to guarantee their own self-pr eservation, that is to say individuals in a state of nature or states in an anarchic international system will not willingly cooperate if the result is an increase in vulnerabilities and/ or decrease in relative power. Paul Hirst, a sociologist and political theorist served a blow to to realistsarguments by going against the view that sovereign control of territory is regretful purely internally by arguing that states need to interact in the anarchic realm of international politics with other states.The achievement of sovereignty therefore, is at least partly the product of agreements between states in the form of recognition of each otherssovereign rights (Bromley 2004, p120) In this case therefore one dependents on the other. This then is the best chance to bring into play liberalism which argues that what we need to look at is the way in which the different national interests of states, that are shaped by the societies over which they rule, are configured together when put toget her at an international system. What we have are states all interacting with one another, all chasing national interests, as outlined by their dominant groups, and those interests configure in different ways sometimes states interests are conflictual, sometimes cooperative and at some points mutually beneficial.Trade slackening is an example where arguably, the interests of states that are mutually engaging in trade liberalisation are not in conflict. They can both benefit from trade. States may come to view their position in relation to the others in a much more absolute terms and as a consequence of that, with full understanding of the fact that the structure of international system is interdependent as well as anarchic, enduring cooperation is at least a possibility. The states according to Bromley face an purlieu of what is called strategic inter-dependence to mean the strategies that one can champion are conditioned by their anticipation of the strategies that others will pur sue (Bromley CD 2010).Unlike, the realists, the assumption is that when statesinterests interact internationally, it is not always the case that states will focus on their position or be worried about dependence, and the argument pursued is that security is only one value among others, that security will be balanced alongside other considerations like economic welfare, promotion of cultural values, or whatever. In this regard Mexico is a perfect example, in so far as Mexico joined NAFTA, not worrying so much about its position vis-a-vis its dominant neighbour, the United States but increasingly focusing on the absolute gains that Mexico might make through those policies. Chapter 9, says states sometimes interact in positive-sum ways, meaning when they interact they both gain from cooperation and bargaining, sometimes they interact in ways that are zero-sum if I gain you lose or otherwise it is negative-sum in which both sides lose.The realists model that Jef outlines seems to advoca te or assume that all cooperation because they are relative ains, are zero-sum if I gain you lose but according to liberal thinking there are situations when it is a win-win situation (Bromley CD 2010) The Liberal model also argues that there are many situations where mutual dependence does not imply vulnerability vis-a-vis security or even worry about their relative position vis-a-vis other states and an example could be that as a country, we can come to deposit our national interest in terms, not of how we are progressing vis-a-vis another country but how we are coping vis-a-vis last year, focused only on our growth rate. The core claim of liberal model is that once you recognise the strategic nature of interdependence and once you recognise that the national interest is socially shaped by society and not just deriving from your position in the state system, then the possibilities of cooperation are far much greater. cogitate remarks draws three general conclusions, the game is p ositive-sum if states are geared solely with their absolute gains, there is chance for co-operative bargaining to mutual advantage. Anarchy is no danger to cooperation in this world. Secondly, if states evaluate their positions purely in relation to others, then all games even positive-sum ones are turned to zero-sum ones where neither will be prepared to move outside(a) from the original thereby blocking cooperation as was seen between the superpowers during the Cold War. Thirdly, when states care about their absolute gains and their relative positions, the outcome is indeterminate and depends on how they weigh the one against the other. If relative considerations do not weigh too heavily in their calculations, states may still find themselves in a positive-sum game.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Scoliosis Research Paper

Karmin Extra Source Paper Scoliosis is a complex deformity or curvature of the spine and entire torso and has been recognized clinically for centuries (Asher, Marc A. ). For a few of the patients an underlying cause can be determined, including congenital changes, secondary changes related to neuropathic or myopathic conditions, or later in life from degenerative spondylosis. However, the cause of most scoliosis is not known and since well-nigh 1922 such patients have been diagnosed as having idiopathic scoliosis (Asher, Marc A. ). Based on the observation of triple distinct periods of climax, scoliosis has been sub-divided into three groups infantile, before the age of 3 juvenile, age 5 to 8 and adolescent, age 10 until the end of growth. This categorization is now extensively used. Eighty percent or more than of idiopathic scoliosis is of the adolescent variety. As it is often not possible to determine the age of onset, age at presentation/detection is more consummate (Canavese, Federico). The prevalence is very dependent on curve size cut-off point, decreasing from 4. 5% for curves of 6 degrees or more to only 0. 9% for curves of 21 or more. It is also very dependent on sex, being equal for curves of 610 but 5. 4 girls to 1 boy for curves of 21 or more (Asher, Marc A. ). insubstantial idiopathic scoliosis can probably best be considered as a complex genetic trait disorder. There is often a irrefutable family history but the pattern of inherited susceptibility is not clear. Current information suggests that there is genetic heterogeneity. This indicates that multiple potential factors are acting either dependently or independently in its pathogenesis (Asher, Marc A. ).Up to moderate deformities, recognized at a 40 degree curvature, new is the most common discourse. Brace handling has been in the first place simulated by directly applying external forces on the rib cage and on the lumbar spine. However, its ef? ciency in cloging the progression of scoliotic deformities is still controversial and the biomechanics of gear up treatment is still poorly understood. For instance, there is still no concurrence about the favorable design of a brace. The shape of the brace, the location of pads attached to the brace, and openings vary amongst orthotists (Clin, Julien).Nevertheless, brace treatment is favorable in comparison to no treatment at all. For example, the Scoliosis Research Society conducted a study in 1985 to scrutinize the correctness of the bracing treatment. Patients of the same age, same curve pattern and severity were divided into two groups one treated with bracing and the other, untreated. Results published in 1993 demonstrated that brace treatment is effective compared to natural history (Canavese, Federico). Studies conducted on the number of hours per day of brace- erupting show that the more hours per day the brace is worn, the better the result.The brace is usually prescribed for fulltime support with some tim e set aside for bathing, swimming, physical education and sport. The patient should be encouraged to be pursue sporting activities while continuing to wear the brace if possible. Contact sports are not allowed with the brace to protect other participants, as the brace can significantly injure another if contacted the right way. These activities slackly represent an average of two to four hours a day to ensure that the brace is worn 21 to 23 hours daily (Minimally Invasive).Other treatments of scoliosis allow surgical treatment to straighten the curve of the spine (Asher, Marc A. ). Surgical treatment was initiated in 1914. When the results were evaluated in 1941 they were found to be poor. As a result of the industrious work of John Moe, Paul Harrington, and many others these results had considerably improved by 1962. Due to advances in surgical operation the number of scoliosis curves greater than 100 had dropped considerably by 1973. The indications for surgery as an adult are pain, appearance, and pulmonary problems, i. . shortness of breath. However, it is unusual for these symptoms to be severe enough to warrant surgery. In addition only those with surgery had pain management problems (Asher, Marc A. ). Although there are some risks associated with surgery they have decreased substantially. Death is very unlikely but can occur, especially in patients operated as adults (Horn, Pamela). Knowledge of the natural history of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis has expanded greatly in the last two decades.It has become clear that only about one in ten curves progresses to the point that treatment with bracing is warranted, and only one in 25, or 0. 1%, to the point that surgery is warranted. Bracing appears to prevent about 20% to 40% of appropriately braced curves from progressing 6 or more. Surgery, consisting of instrumentation and arthrodesis has virtually eliminated large thoracic curves. Although most patients are satisfied with their results, consume at 20+ years shows significant, clinically relevant decrease in function and increase in pain compared to controls.Re-operation is required in 6 to 29%. And, a very few have pain management problems (Asher, Marc A. ). Works Cited Asher, Marc A. , and Douglas C. Burton. Scoliosis. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Natural History and Long Term Treatment set up1 (2006) 1-10. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Clin, Julien, Carl-Eric Aubin, Stefan Parent, and Hubert Labelle. Biomechanical Modeling of Brace Treatment of Scoliosis. Effects of Gravitational Loads(2011) 743-53. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2011, 02 Feb. 2011. Web. 3 Sept. 2012. Canavese, Federico, and Andre Kaelin. Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Indications and Efficacy of Nonoperative Treatment. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics 45. 1 (2011) Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery An Innovative Technique In Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Scoliosi s (17487161) 6. 1 (2011) 16-25. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Horn, Pamela. Scoliosis. Clinician Reviews 22. 8 (2012) 16-22. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Sept. 2012.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Citizenship During the Great War

At the onset of the First gentlemans gentleman War in 1914, England was experiencing a cordial transformation fueled by years of massive in-migration from central Europe and changes prompted by industrial and technological developments. The availability of inexpensive immigrant labor and these developments produced a social environment that permitted a realignment of gender office staffs and the potential for a revolutionary shift in the role of women in British society.Nicoletta Gullaces central premise is that there was an appetite for social change in prewar Britain and that cultural instability produced by the war allowed those social forces to coalesce, which Gullace details. Among these were the lingering humiliation resulting from s footdals experienced during the Boer War of 1900, which left wing the British public with little desire to engage in further foreign conflict. The outbreak of the humanness War neutralized that bias, and horrific reports of German Army behavio r reversed the purview.These reports detailed the suffering endured in the populated areas of Belgium that were behind the German lines, creating an overwhelming sympathy for the victims of German abuse that transformed the British intuition of the war role they needed to play. The War also produced new unprecedented internal social realities, including a million women going to work in British factories. British society was transformed by the result changes and one of the least understood changes, according to Gullace, was the restructuring of the political and economic roles thereafter played by women.There were fore external forces affecting British society as well. Early in World War I, atrociousness stories appeared accusing the Germans of inhumane brutality. These reports saturated the British media, fueled by alleged first hand accounts by private citizens, newspaper reports, novels, songs, and even official disposal investigations. The official Bryce Report concluded tha t the lurid tales of mutilations and internal atrocities were in fact occurring. Bryce had relied upon media reports and their original sources as his primary source to reach his conclusions, which were discounted by later historians.Gullace refers to this wartime resourcefulness as at once being sentimental and sexual, patriotic and pornographic, effective and subversive (p. 18). This imagery create the German foes as, One vast gang of Jack-the-Rippers, guilty of sadism such as raping and mutilating naked women and bayoneting babies. Gullace illustrates the social enamor of these stories as demonstrated by the 1915 play, Rada, which had a dramatic scene were the women of a household were being rape by German soldiers. A young daughter cries out, Oh British British come Come readily British Gullace also attributes the exaggerated atrocity stories to the medias hunger to exploit public passions to sell newspapers, and the governments compulsion to justify British involvement in another foreign war. Gullace describes the latter event in terms of the pre-war British self-image. It had faltered during the 1900 Boer War when it was discovered that British soldiers had sexually abused imprisoned Boer women and the attaint was still carried in the national conscience. Now, in 1914, Gullace posits, the atrocity stories permitted the British public to escape that stigma onto high moral ground.Gullace also examines the cultural forces that produced the social phenomenon of British women asserting their patriotism at the expense of the men. It became in and socially acceptable for British women to ostracize those men who they believed were avoiding their patriotic duty which was to join the Army and fight. The sentiment received familiar approval and was officially sanctioned. The ideal British man was characterized everywhere as Tommy Adkins, the popular term for a British soldier who was brave, cheerful, and fair.Gullace cites this image as an outgrowth of the literary works of Rudyard Kipling during the Boer War, idealizing the British soldier. One poet characterized Tommy Adkins as the guardian of Englands honor, avenger of her dead, and protector of her children. (p. 36) The image of Tommy Adkins seized the publics reckon and deviation from soldierly and patriotic sacrifice was not tolerated. Gullace quotes one newspaper editors advice to a female reader who wanted to hold on to her man, as there is much we can do at home.One of the things is to cheer our dear ones, husbands, sweethearts, fathers, and brothers and send them off to their calling with brave, noble hearts. (p. 53) Perhaps the epitome of these passions can be best realized by The British Womens Union appeal to its members to GIVE YOUR SONS. British women were in the patriotic vanguard, something unique in British. history. The White feathering Brigade and The Order of the White Feather organized women to confront male shirkers and present them with the symbol of cowardice the white feather.The white feather leagues didnt last long, but they did presage the organization of feminists into what would emerge as the Suffragette Movement. One of Gullaces central theses is that the role at home that women played in the war prepared and persuaded the British nation that women were due remove citizenship, and that meant Suffrage. Gullace describes this political acquisition as a negotiated right, and cites previous work by Susan Kingsley Kent, illustrating that until the revolutionary gender changes produced by the war, men and women had inhabited separate social spheres.Taking advantage of the war time opportunity, women had asserted themselves into a teeming share of patriotic responsibility, they would then subsequently leverage into an equal share of social power. Womens rights to in full citizenship arent conventionally linked to the events and consequences of World War I, but Nicoletta F. Gullace makes a persuasive and detailed type that the British ladies of that era successfully fought their own war that led directly to womens suffrage.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

The fourth amendment and the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

The situation that obscure put one across and law Officer Jones in plead X is a good case consume in understanding the concepts involved in the Fourth Amendment, concomitantly the doctrine of suppression of present.In the digest of the case, one will see that the only crime that Don has ordainted is driving with an expired license. And for this case, read X has every right to punish him accordingly with a fine of $100 and 10 years in the county jail. However, it is also important that the fact that the constitution of State X has a clause identical to Amendment IV of the U.S.Constitution, the other evidence obtained by law of nature Officer Jones in his go steady with Don cannot be used as evidence against Don in any court by reason of the harvest-tide of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine. This particular doctrine opines that any evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in any court since this is in direct violation of the suspects Fourth Amendment.Although Don did commit a violation of law in State X by driving with an expired license, this particular violation does not necessarily warrant a bodily search or even a search of the vehicle even with the consent of the suspect. In the case of Florida vs. Bostick, we have learned that in the place setting of investigatory stops and detentions, Police may stop you for any reason, but are not authorize to any information other than your identification nor may they detain you without reasonable suspicion. (Flex Your Rights, 2006)In this particular case, the Police Officer did not have any justifiable or probable cause to frisk Don because the latter was not an immediate or indicateificant threat to the officer nor was there any sign that Don motorcarried any illegal weapon.Perhaps the only reasoning that can be applied by the Police Officer that might justify his stop and frisk action in this case is the flush or report given to him that a lone male driving in a car with an out-of-state license would be coming through town, traveling in an easterly direction, and carrying an illegal shipment of heroin. fairish the same, the Police Officer went over and beyond his call and duty by frisking Don and subjecting him to a warrant less search on account of a traffic violation.Furthermore, if there was any evidence that can be used against Don in this particular case is anything that is visible to eye of the Police Officer. The marijuana that was seized inside the car cannot be used by the State in convicting Don just now because it was obtained thru an illegal search. While it is given that Don consented to the search, the court should rule that the burden is on the prosecution to adjudicate the voluntariness of the consent and awareness of the right of choice. (Find Law, 2006)In this particular case, I am of the opinion that State X must rule in favor of Don and suppress all evidence obtained in the encounter between Don and Police Officer Jones since the search was done illegally and all evidence acquired as a result thereof should be considered inadmissible. Hence, the charges of illegal possession of marijuana and other dangerous drugs should be dropped. At best, Don should be convicted of driving with expired license a direct violation of State Xs law and should be netted the appropriate penalty.ReferencesFind Law, 2006 US Constitution, Fourth Amendment online for sale at http// on June 11, 2006Flex Your Rights, 2006 Fourth Amendment Supreme Court Cases onlinecited on June 11, 2006

How Is the Extract of Jekyll and Hyde Dramatic

The acknowledgement of the lecturer from this exclude, that Jekyll has only been experimenting with science produces prominent tension. Throughout the buy food, Jekyll confesses that he can only speak by theory alone regarding his attempts to create the potions to transmute himself into Hyde. This represents his constant uncertainty about the results of his experiments. Therefore if even Jekyll, the man acting the experiments, is uncertain of the results, dramatic tension is caused for the reader to discover the results of the experiment.Jekyll also confirms that he doesnt know anything for certain, as he only speaks what appears to be most probable. Since the results are uncertain, the reader doesnt know the effect the experiment would stimulate on Jekyll. The reader also discovers that no-one has attempted the experiment before, which builds up tension and suspense about the kibosh result and makes the reader intrigued to continue reading in lodge to discover it. The unkn own of the experiments Jekyll performs builds drama and is dramatic since the unexpected may happen.Stevensons imagery of imprisonment in this extract makes it more dramatic since it portrays the cerebration of Jekyll being confine. Jekyll presents being Hyde as a disguise manage a thick cloak in order to abandon his life as Jekyll, which is boring and tiresome, as if he is escaping from prison in order to live a new and free life. The thick cloak could represent protection and by suggesting it is like a gash of clothing, this shows that transforming into Hyde is effortless and comforting to do but the constant interchanging between the views of Jekyll, when he is himself, and Hyde is dramatic.Jekyll likens the potion to a drug by saying that it had no discriminating action, explaining that it is addicting once he has tried it. thus far it then became impossible to prevent the change describing it as falling into slavery and by being trapped this leads to the extract becoming t ense and fire. Metaphors are used through the extract to provide imagery for the reader. Jekyll explains that Hyde was minute evil and that it was written broadly and plainly on his face suggesting that when populate saw Hyde, it was immediately wakeful that he was a cruel person.By use this metaphor, Stevenson is attempting to show the personality of Hyde through his face and that his characteristics were displace from his physical appearance. After drinking the potion, Jekyll had come to the fatal cross-roadsteadtead which is a crucial moment in the smart for him, as he can choose only choose option suggested by the cross roads. This is dramatic because as there is a decision to be made which is extremely important, this builds suspense, especially as the decision carried the possibility of death which requires Jekyll to ponder his options carefully.Since the cross roads are fatal this may evince that the cross roads will lead to disaster or death. It could also indicate t hat the cross roads were unavoidable as it was fate that determined Jekyll would have to make this decision. The dangerous decision that has been forced upon Jekyll makes the extract dramatic, since his decision may lead to his death. The use of violent and dramatic language by Stevenson in the extract increases the pace of the novel and makes it more engaging and exciting.Jekyll is uncertain about the result of him drinking his potion which creates tension and by hurrying back to my cabinet this shows that there is urgency from Jekyll to discover the effects of the potion which leads to the extract being exciting and dramatic and it is building up tension. When Jekyll had transformed into Hyde he was aware that people were frightened of him and took an instant dislike. He said that people couldnt approach him without a visible misgiving of the flesh and by using violent language to describe their reaction, it demonstrates the severity of the cruelty that Hyde possessed.By saying th e flesh instead of skin, this shows that people were unable to hide beneath their skin, the reactions they felt regarding Hyde. This language engages the reader with the emotions felt by the characters towards Hyde, producing anxiety among the reader resulting in a dramatic confrontation that is described. The exposure of many mysteries is revealed all at once which creates a dramatic atmosphere.In the extract we learn that Edward Hyde was pure evil which is the reason behind people much(prenominal) as Utterson and Enfield taking an instant dislike to him as we learn previously. We also discover the motive for Jekyll to transform into Hyde which is because he began to profit by the strange immunities of his position, as he is taking advantage of the freedom he has when Jekyll is Hyde. The answers to the questions which were formed by the reader earlier in the novel were slowly being revealed throughout it. until now in this short extract, lots of answers are provided to the reader from Jekyll, because he is explaining the actions of both himself and Mr Hyde. Also since the novel is told in third but in this extract it is in the first person perspective, it leaves few questions remaining, allowing the reader to piece together Uttersons perception. This therefore results in dramatic tension as the reader now understands the actions Jekyll has interpreted and is intrigued to discover the fate of Jekyll and Hyde.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How does Fitzgerald tell the story in Chapter 5 of “Great Gatsby”? Essay

During chapter 5 Gatsby is reunited with Daisy and it becomes clear to the reader that Gatsbys unrestrained frame is out of sync with the passage of judgment of conviction as the novel explores the coming of love of the sometime(prenominal) into the present. The chapter starts with the return of knap from his date with Jordan whose race seems very impersonal and surface deep compared and contrasted to the passionate and fulfilling relationship of that of Gatsby and Daisy that is addressed and unpicked during chapter 5. notch describes Jordan to have a disembodied face and a wan, scornful mouth which render her a ghost like quality suggesting a transparent and empty liaison. Nick returns home to bring Gatsbys house every(prenominal) lit up from tower to cellar and believes Gatsby is having another extravagant party, Nick walks over to investigate and on his way is startled by Gatsby. Nick invites Gatsby to have tea with himself and Daisy the daylight after tomorrow, at this Gatsby becomes very alarmed and nauseating about meeting Daisy. This brings to light Gatsbys happenings towards Daisy and the subject becomes a sensitive one this foreshadows their romantic connection later on in the chapter. When Gatsby initial meets Daisy he is wearing a plate shirt and gold coloured tie the colors silver and gold are closely related to wealth and this illustrates how eager he is to bear witness Daisy how wealthy he is now. in time the colour gold could be used by Fitzgerald to show that Gatsby is corrupt, because the colour yellow symbolises corruption. Fitzgerald uses wretched f all in allacy as rain appears when Gatsby and Daisy meet for the first time which ominously foreshadows their relationship and Gatsbys fate. When Daisy last meets Gatsby, Fitzgerald creates an awkward tension among the two. Fitzgerald uses silences such as for half a minute there wasnt a sound and a pause which was endured horribly to create a difficult and detached strain. tal k between Daisy and Gatsby does not flow easily and is filled with chocking murmurs, abortive attempt at a laughs and snippets of slender talk. Gatsby then nearly knocks over a defunct mantel piece clock in his foment and jittery manor the clock took this moment to tilt dangerouslywhereupon he turned and caught it with trembling fingers and format it back in place. This represents Gatsbys vain and clumsy attempt to stop the passage of time in order to retrieve the past. As the clock is adefunct one it does not hightail it and has stopped at one moment in time just as Gatsbys keep has stopped. The fact that the clock is defunct suggests that Gatsby is stuck in the past, and is deluded because he believes that his and Daisys relationship will be a successful one. Fitzgerald uses only two settings for chapter five in order to draw a line between the change of scene and the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy.At the start of the chapter, Nick, Daisy and Gatsby are gathered in Ni cks house the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby seems somewhat awkward and both parts seem extremely nervous to be reunited again I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh. This quote proves the situation was so nerve racking to Gatsby that he had to laugh to make the atmosphere feel less intense. However, when Gatsby invites Nick and Daisy over to his house his relationship with Daisy has improved and became far more relaxed, nevertheless to the point of having a friend play the piano to impress Daisy and to keep developing their relationship. Fitzgerald tells the story in chapter five through the portrayal of society and its materialistic mindset in the 1920s. Gatsby feels more at tranquillize in his own home because he is surrounded by luxuries that impress Daisy, shirts with stripes and scrolls and plaid in coral and apple green and lavender and faint orange with monograms of Indian blue. The repetition of and implies that Gatsby has a great deal of shirts, Fit zgerald is using the technique of assonance to drag out the sentence making it feel like the list is going on and on therefore creating an appearance of Gatsby having a colossal make out of possessions.It also indicates that for Gatsby to get Daisy back, he needs to woo her using his wealth the use of these exotic colours implies that he has been to many places reflecting his experiences. Furthermore, he is trying to display his wealth through his amount of fine, expensive shirts to show Daisy he has completely transformed from the man he was before and can offer her all that tom turkey can. Fitzgerald is suggesting that now Gatsby is very wealthy, Gatsby believes that he and Daisy are equal relating to the theme of old and new money. The sight of all these extravagant shirts brings tears to Daisys eyes because she realises that this is the life she missed out on, the life she could have had with Gatsby. However it could be argued that she begins to cry because money is all that i s important to her. Therefore the shirt scene is significant in how it portrays Daisys shallow character and howshe loves a man for his wealth. Daisy is more representative of people during the decadent initiation of the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald concludes the chapter is with Nick being the one alone, which is a change of situation as it is usually Gatsby single out from company.Nick seems almost jealous of the relationship Gatsby and Daisy have. This is shown by the long sentence length used by Nick describing Gatsby and Daisy in the final stages of the chapter where they have fallen for each other. Nick uses long sentences such as They had forgotten me but Daisy glanced up and held out her hand Gatsby didnt know me now at all this shows Nicks jealousy of their relationship and the sentence is broken down into three parts to show how each character is feeling. Nick feels forgotten, Daisy feels she needs someone by holding out her hand and Gatsby is shown to be madly in love by not ack nowledging Nick and fixating on Daisy. Chapter 5 is presented as the turning point in spite of appearance the novel when Gatsby and Daisy reunite and where the green light by the deck is not a dream any longer because Daisy is with Gatsby.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Effect of Video Games on Kids

Tessa Johnson Professor Harrison Composition II 2 October 2012 case of Video Games on Kids Growing up, playing outside was what I did for fun. Whether it was riding my bike, playing with friends, or swimming, I was outside for hours at a epoch every day. Today, kids scram access to things like Xboxes, Playstations, and Nintendo DS. In a study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004) adolescent girls played picture games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys aver vulcanised 13 hours a week. A survey done by Harris Interactive shows that 23 percent of youth have snarl addicted to video games. Studies have shown that teenagers who play violent video games for extended periods of time tend to be more aggressive, ar more prone to engage in fights and confrontations, and see a decline in academic winner. (Gentile et al) In 2010, Robert Weis and Brittany Cerankosky conducted a study to see how video games affect academic success.They selected a free radical of boy s who didnt own video games and assigned them to one of two conditions the video games now group got a game system immediately, and the video games later group didnt receive their systems until months later. The researchers tracked the boys academic success at school. They found that the boys who got their game systems immediately spent less(prenominal) time on schoolwork and, 4 months later, they got lower reading and writing scores. This makes sense, since more time spent playing video games means less time studying.Also, the distraction of video games can cause kids to lose interest in their studies and cause them to take back behind. These results line up with an separate survey done by Cummings and Vandewater in 2007, which concluded that kids aged 10-19 who played video games spent 30% less time reading and 34% less time doing homework. (Cummings & Vandewater) A 2009 Brigham Young University study found that as video game usage increased, the quality of relationships with oth ers, including family, friends, and other peers, decreased. The BYU Study found that daily video game users were twice as likely to use drugs.They were ternion multiplication as likely to use drugs over those who never played games. This doesnt mean that either kids who play video games are going to go out and do drugs, but it certainly doesnt help anything. If a child spends hours at a time playing video games, they will have no time to form relationships and socialize, not giving them the social skills they may need to succeed in the future. This can set them up for failure in job interviews, school, and in building solid relationships that are crucial to every teenagers life. However, thither are also umteen positive elements of video games.According to Chacha Tumbokon, a psychologist at De La Salle University, video games can give kids betters skills in areas such as future(a) directions, problem solving and logic, and hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Often times the player is asked to follow commands or prompts in a video game in exhibition to gain rewards or status, which aids with following directions. Also, when there is a challenge in a game, it doesnt get solved easily the player is frequently forced to work through many riddles or obstacles in order to succeedanother of the essence(predicate) life lesson for a child to learn.And lastly, video games require a great deal of hand-eye coordination. Often times games require the player to change viewpoints with one control, move with another control, and do actions (shooting, jumping, etc. ) with another control. This builds up hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, which is a good workout for the brain. Another common aspect of games is resource management. on that point are often a limited number of resources (such as lives, power-ups, money, etc. ) that has to be managed in order to succeed in a game. This is another valuable lesson that many kids should learn in their lifeti me.James Paul Gee, prof of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, says that playing a video game is similar to working through a science problem. There is a lot of trial and error involved, which teaches a child inductive ratiocination and hypothesis testing, something that can be used in many areas of life. In conclusion, there are many positive and negative effects of video games. Psychologists suggest that parents monitor the games that are being played by their children and make sure the games arent affecting the childs

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Business Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Case Study - undertake ExampleThe emphasis is on communication, training and the overall culture or value system in the physical composition (Hiatt and Creasey 10). In relation to the provided scenario in the case, it is observed that Engencos operations comprise most kinds of qualification generation and supply, with making investment in order to develop new technologies, including piloting household slue turbines along with supporting the creation of domestic fuel cells. Engenco employs around 25,000 personnel solely within the UK as well as another 5,000 primarily in North America. The average age of employees is between 25 and 35 years. Moreover, a substantial portion of employees i.e. 30% are women. The various activities of the participation are performed across national boundaries, which bring in the aspect of cross-cultural management. The European Commissions proposed energy strategy will address these different attitudes by breaking up companies that produc e and supply energy into transgress ownership. The company also developed a reputation for its scheme to employ women into engineering and initiatives to facilitate individuals with disabilities. Apprenticeship schemes had been nimble in both the UK and Canada, where there was a shortage in terms of skilled trade. These activities also substantiated the organizations focus to possess ethical culture and to act in a proper way. The company also invested in training of 1000 newly recruited engineers along with providing their other 7500 engineers with advanced training. This training was unploughed almost in similar pattern for customer service and engineering support staff and 2,500 had been late trained in new systems. Management victimisation programs cover each stage of a managers career, ranging from the talent development to delivering the business strategies which further include change, people, business and personal skills. Typical development activities include work sha dowing, coaching, and mentoring, projects and secondments comprising international m opportunities. The senior leadership program had been developed in conjunction with a major business school for high potential senior managers. The company also offered conciliatory benefits and conservations to buy shares with a bonus scheme to encourage higher performance of the employees. For senior management, rewards included performance related pay, opportunities for international experience, contracts altered as per the individual needs and flexibility to fit with lifestyle. supple working is also supported to enable other employees to balance work and caring commitments with the added benefit of saving on office space. After obtaining an understanding of the scenario prevailing within the organization, it can be stated that the changes make the employees dissatisfied as they were working in that particular environment in a flexible expression when suddenly the company decided to move the ir most of the operational activities to foreign destinations such as India. The employees became dissatisfied with such decisions which lowered the employee engagement and they thought of not recommending the company to their friends. It significantly affected employee morale as they were not satisfied with the changes. The employees wanted to stay in their flexible environment and work

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Socrates theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Socrates theory - Es think ExampleThe next two sections of the line are of the intellectual. The third is start forms, and the final is higher forms. Plato uses the line to differentiate between what he views as different kinds of objects and ways we fire obtain knowledge. Each line gets smaller the higher it goes, and the smaller the line becomes the closer to infrangible rectitude it becomes.To briefly summarize the story of the cave, Plato envisaged tribe held prisoner within a cave who only axiom the shadows of objects carried by a fire. One someone briefly escaped from the cave, saw the cheer, and returns to tell the other prisoners what was seen. The prisoners answer by threatening the person that briefly escaped if he continued to tell them about the sun. Plato is express that people are like the prisoners, in that all people see are illusions, shadows of objects passing by a fire. They are seeing the material world, which he believed to be a copy of the higher forms. The person who escaped was adequate to(p) to see the sun, which represented the highest level of truth in this world But, whether true or false, my opinion is that in the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort and, when seen, is withal inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual and that this is the power upon which he who would lick rationally, either in public or private life must have his eye decided (Plato). The escaped persons eyes took a while to adjust before they were actually able to see the sun the person was able to see things at night better first, thence inventions in water and such, and then finally objects themselves. This was supposed to represent a gradual increase in the realness of the objects until the sun was able to be seen. When the person went back to the cave and told the other prisoners what he saw, they rejected it. This represents how Plato matte up that most people are so used to seeing what they see everyday that they dealt comprehend the idea that thither is something of a higher truth out there. Theyve never seen it, and if theyve never seen it, then it couldnt possibly exist. Plato was alluding to the fact that he belief that it was dangerous for him and other philosophers to tell other people of the truth since most people werent willing to read anything of the sort.What Plato didnt realize was that he was in an even larger cave himself. He felt that there was absolute truth, and even though people might not be able to reach it, it still existed in the universe in some shape or form. He thought that because there are things called trees, we can only know that that is a tree because on some higher plane of existence there exists the perfect tree, its original and true form, and that is how people are able to recogni ze that trees when one is viewed. He felt that true knowledge could only be perceived a priori, and that the physical world was merely a reflection of this true world. A deconstructionist way to argue against this kind of thinking be to would say that there is no such thing as absolute truth, that thinking and language can not be separated, because without language, there is no canvas upon which to paint ones words. This viewpoint would claim that language isnt trying to reflect